Blog | Invent Shine

Velcro inventor inspired by nature

You'll never guess how this was invented! George De Mestral used to hike in the woods of his native Switzerland and would always get burdock "burrs" on his clothing, and on his dog's fur.
He was intrigued and wondered how they attached! After some years of research & development, he finally master...

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Plans (ideas) for a future for you!

God wants to do WHAT?! He wants to prosper ME?!?!? (I can hear some of you thinking that right now!)

Did you KNOW that?

Do you REALLY believe that? A lot of people don't believe that God is a good God. That He has wonderful and good plans to prosper them in every area.
Now, do you know WHAT thos...

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Experience brings wisdom and knowledge

Can we share our secret with you?
Allison and I have been working together and inventing, designing, developing, patenting, manufacturing, selling, marketing, managing, distributing.. and much much more...for 45+ years! As you can see in the picture, we’ve been working together for a VERY LONG tim...

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Tom & Allison on "Authentic Real Talk with Ray Salem"

Tom and Allison were guests on "Authentic Real Talk LIVE with Ray Salem"!

Ray hosts weekly interviews and asked Tom and Allison how they started out as entrepreneurs with "real" questions about their journey.

We especially loved this interview because Ray is also a first time inventor.

He just ...

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The GREATEST creative, invention ideas come from God!

Do you have a GREAT idea? 
Are you an inventor or creator, or creative and innovative?
Do you have a product but also have questions?
Do you need answers to move forward?
Well, you've come to the right place! At Invent Shine, we know that God is the answer for EVERYTHING. As the Bible says in James,...

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When Inventing, Timing is EVERYTHING

We believe that all ideas are inspired by God. And when an idea comes around, you need to seize the day! 

Faith is now, the Bible says. We live in the present, not the past and not the future. 

We must learn that when the Holy Spirit speaks to us, we must move. Too often we feel the leading of the...

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"It was all started by a mouse" (Patents, Intellectual Property, Trademarks)

That’s what Walter Elias Disney said. And look at what his vision has grown into today. He was a genius in design and eventually, branding and product development. 

Rarely do you find something that has maintained its quality and appeal for over 60, dare I say 90 years (Happy 90th Mickey!). He's be...

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Inventors - Is your work "enjoyable" or "dreadful"?

Do you like working and doing thing by the sweat of your brow? No, and you shouldn’t!  You were not made for that.

Or what about having all that the “world” says is successful (money, etc.) but no sense of fulfillment and satisfaction?

You were made to live a life of worship that points to God, Je...

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