Inventors - Is your work "enjoyable" or "dreadful"?

Do you like working and doing thing by the sweat of your brow? No, and you shouldn’t!  You were not made for that.

Or what about having all that the “world” says is successful (money, etc.) but no sense of fulfillment and satisfaction?

You were made to live a life of worship that points to God, Jesus and salvation. You were made to LOVE your work - especially if it's a God-inspired idea!

God wants you to live a life where HE provides EVERYTHING for you – like in the Garden of Eden.

God told me that He is TIRED of his people (inventors or anyone with an idea for a product or invention) getting ripped off by the world – the worlds system. The worlds way of doing things. The world's way of patenting, product development, manufacturing, etc.

The ideas that God has given most Christians are being taken from them, or being wasted away, NEVER brought to fruition.

I want to teach you how to navigate your invention journey, in every area of your life!

                Body, soul and spirit.

Body  - you need to physically make calls, talk to manufacturers, etc.

Soul – you have a mind, will, emotions, to do research and make intelligent decisions.

Spirit – God wants you to be led by His Spirit. He has a path laid out. You need to ASK Him, FIND it and FOLLOW. Be led by His Spirit.

You can’t move out of fear, you must move out of Faith!

There is some work for you to do, but you must also REST knowing that He will provide the things you need to do the work. He will provide.  He did it for me and He'll do it for you too!

Now, let’s get started…..with helping your invention ideas.

Click here and gain access to our FREE eBook, "Empowering Ideas". 

That book is the first step you need for invention help, or for more information about how we can help you evaluate your idea, your invention, or if your an inventor and want more information on inventing, ideas or product development, patents, trademarks, marketing, investment, manufacturing, prototyping, etc. 


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