Maybe your idea is the next "Sponge Daddy"!
But how do you know, and how do you take your idea to the next level? That's where we come in!
STOP procrastinating and TODAY move forward with your God-inspired idea!
♦ We can help you save THOUSANDS of dollars on your idea/invention journey.
♦ We want to show you how to keep people from stealing your ideas.
Invent Shine brings relevant and relatable experience, that built my trust that this program was created by someone who has been there and done that, and now you are willing to help me!
And I really enjoyed how you integrated God as the centerpiece of the inventor's journey.
Fasten your seat belts, God has hyper-success in store for you!
Tom now shares with you how his life with God’s direction has led to over $200,000,000 in sales from his inventions. Read and listen to his words. See how God will breathe life into your ideas for invention, Tom will help show you the way.
Pay attention and learn from Tom, Allison and the Invent Shine program on how to develop and implement
your ideas. You will become successful beyond your wildest dreams!
I want to thank you all for what you're doing and entrusting me with, in my future inventions. You have gone through a great deal. I truly appreciate all the help with my endeavors!