Need investment or financing? "Show me the money!"

Hi Friend!

I want you to know that your Father is R I C H!
And He wants to give you what you need for living life to the fullest.

Why is it then that MOST of the "idea people" and "new inventors" we speak with don't move forward with their idea?

The #1 REASON we hear is that they 
"donā€™t have the money" 
to invest in their ideas!

God has already made a BIG investment in YOU!
He wants His investment to multiply and grow.

But in order for that to happen, you have to look at things from Godā€˜s point of view.

Do you want God to "show YOU the money"?

Well, Godā€™s point of view is...
     If He's given you an idea, you donā€™t need to worry about the money.
     $ He has already secured it.
     $ He is responsible to provide and give you all the money that is needed on your invention journey!

Paul says in First Corinthians 4:6 (Msg), ā€œAll Iā€™m doing right now, friends,
is showing how these things pertain to Apollos and me
so that you will learn restraint and
not rush into making judgments without knowing all the facts
Itā€™s important to look at things from Godā€˜s point of view.

vs. 7-8  ..."You already have ALL you need.
You already have more access to God than you can handle.ā€...

Remember that Jesus also said, "You do not have because you do not ask God."(James 4:2 NIV).

Start asking God for what you need!

We believe that we are part of your answer. Invent Shine has been raised up by God to help you find a source of money for your idea and itā€™s complete development.

There are so many ways that God will provide financing... just this week, I heard this story from a business owner who was out-right gifted $5,000 from another company, just to be a blessing to them - and this basically SAVED their business from failing!

God can arrange finances in unimaginable ways, so ASK HIM to provide the financing you need and be ready for however He leads or provides.

Specifically, one example I want to share with you today is how to acquire finances through Angel Investors. There are companies and people constantly looking for GOOD ideas, products or improvements that they can INVEST IN.

Make no mistake, there is a reason theyā€™re called "Angels".

Through our Invent Shine Programs and Coaching, we can help you find the money you need, IF your idea is good and qualifies.

We can't wait to keep helping you down the path of your invention journey!

Creatively Yours,

**Be sure to get your FREE Copy of Tom's eBook, Empowering Ideas, by clicking HERE.

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