Outrageous marketing plan (ie self promotion)


This is an OUTRAGOUS marketing scheme of self promotion that worked!

Have you ever heard of Marie Paradis?
If not, that's ok. I had not either till this summer.

She was the first women to ascend the summit of Mont Blanc - the highest peak in the Alps of Europe (technically located in France).

And she did this in 1808, over 200 years ago!
(Not at the age pictured here but around 30 years old).

Truth be told, at the very end, I believe she was "carried" some of the way by her guides. Can you imagine how hard this was to do in heavy skirts, petticoats, and certainly not proper shoes?!

She did this for NOTARITY!!!

She was a simple house maid and did not have a lot of money. She knew this action would bring her fame... and maybe some fortune (which it did).

It would be 30 years before another woman would make it to the top of Mont Blanc (this time the lady was a true mountaineer and fully climbed herself). However, someone has to be the FIRST, right?

> How can you be first?
> How can your business, company, industry be the trendsetter?
> What can be done that's "outrageous" and sure to get attention?

Bring the craziest thing you can think of, to your team, and talk about what can be done!
I'm sure it will inspire you all to think outside of the norm.

*I have a FREE Videotional (video devotional) for you here: SIGN ME UP for the FREE Devotional!

Creatively Yours,

PS. Here I am in the Bernese Alps:


50% Complete

Two Step

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