Country Square or Pop Tart? SPEED to market!

Growing up, I usually had cereal on Saturday mornings while watching cartoons.

Now, I may give away my age here, but the Smurfs and Gummy Bears were some of my favorite shows. Along with eating either Golden Grahams or Captain Crunch as my cereal of choice (Fruity Pebbles was also a fav), this was a beloved tradition.

What were you favorite breakfast cereals growing up?

Some of the well-known cereal manufacturers were (and still are) Kellogg's and Post.

In the early 1960's, Post created a technology which enabled them to dehydrate food. Originally used for dog food, it enabled them to make a new type of breakfast food or pastry.

However, they introduced the idea to the public before it was ready to go to market. The called these pastries "Country Squares" and they contained real fruit.

Now, depending on which story you believe....

At the same time, the chairman of Kellogg's had an idea for a rectangular shaped breakfast food.

In 1964, they introduced it as the "Fruit Scone". However, shortly thereafter they changed the name to "Pop-Tarts" to be more "in tune" with pop culture of the 60's.

Personally, I thought the name was due to the pop-up in the toaster but I digress...


I think we can learn an important lesson from this breakfast race.

Timing is crucial.

The debut of your product must be a well thought-out launch.

Perhaps if Post had kept the secret a little longer, and then launched their campaign, we would be singing the praises of the 'Country Square' after all these years.

However, it is the Pop-Tart is the beloved breakfast icon we know today.

Keep on pursuing your dreams till you see them come to pass!

And go check out the movie, "Unfrosted" by Jerry Seinfeld.


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